Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Governor Gregoire in Education Week

The July 18th edition of Education Week has an article on how governors across the country are using their power to streamline the education systems in their states, particularly the divide between K-12 and college. For example,

In Washington state, Gov. Gregoire created a 13-member P-20 council to evaluate public education from prekindergarten through graduate school and to hold schools at all levels accountable. At least 30 states have launched councils or initiatives to foster collaboration across the different levels of education, according to the Denver-based Education Commission of the States.
So while some suspect (perhaps rightly) that the P-20 Council will be just another thing that doesn’t mean much, I think there is some comfort in knowing that other states are doing the same thing. If they can be productive with it, perhaps we will be too.

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