Saturday, August 25, 2007

Not So Super-majority

If you've been haunting this blog, you know that adequate funding for schools is a major issue in this state (as in, the state doesn't pony up what it should). One result of this is that districts have come to rely more and more heavily upon local levy dollars. And if that weren't enough of an issue to manage, a levy can only be passed by a supermajority (60%+) of voters.

The supermajority requirement was in place long before NCLB, technology, and many modern school needs. It was originally conceived in 1932 and became a part of the state constitution in 1944. This makes changes to the rule much more difficult.

Washington state is one step closer to overturning this practice. State legislators were able to work together enough to have an amendment added to the voters' ballot in November. (There only needs to be a simple majority to pass it, oddly enough.) Many districts are gearing up for public relations efforts in order to get the message out that children and schools need their help.

There is plenty more to read in an article in The Columbian. How will your district encourage voters to make themselves more easily taxed in the name of providing a quality education?

1 comment:

Dr Pezz said...

Our bond failed twice, first at 59.4% (by 24 votes) and now at 55.6%. Grrr! Majority loses again!