Sunday, December 23, 2007

A Tale of Insanity and Murder

Willamette Week is one of the best weekly newspapers you'll ever hope to read. Based out of Portland, they actually balance the entertainment/weekend piece with great journalism, and the cover story from the December 19th issue is a great example.

Laurie Recht was known as a fierce advocate for her daughter, Rebecca, who suffered from a laundry list of ailments. Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul, and Mary came to her school to perform a benefit concert; businesses and foundations offered trips; her tuition at her private school was payed for.

Then, in October, they were both found dead in their home, apparently from an overdose of the drugs that had been perscribed for Rebecca.

It's a maddening, heartbreaking story that you can read here. It gets to the heart of the needs of our most at-risk kids, and forces you to confront one of the most difficult decisions we face as teachers: if you had been in a caretaker position for this little girl, what would you have done?

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